Jimmy Rotheram | What's the secret? MUSIC!

Lørdag 2. november 2024

The event will be held in English

Presentasjon og workshop/Presentation and workshop

Presentasjon/Presentation 11:00 - 12:30

Workshop 13:00 - 16:30

Denne presentasjonen vil passe for alle som er interessert i barn, utdanning, og hvilken rolle musikk og kunstfag kan (og bør?) spille. Workshopen som følger er mer praktisk rettet, og passer perfekt for pedagoger, musikere, og andre som kan tenkes å bruke musikk og kunstfag i utdanningssammenheng.

This presentation will be suitable for anyone interested in children, education, and the role music and the arts can (and should?) play. The workshop that follows is more practical and is perfect for educators, musicians, and others who might use music and the arts in educational settings.

I 2010 ble Feversham Primary School, som ligger i et av de fattigste områdene i Storbritannia, rangert som "sviktende" av regjeringen. De faglige resultatene var bånn i bøtta. Det var massive atferdsproblemer, og barna var uengasjerte. Skolen ligger i et område der 98% av elevene snakker engelsk som “andrespråk".

Skolen fikk ny ledelse, og bestemte seg for å forsøke å finne en alternativ vei ut av elendigheten. De ba musiker/lærer Jimmy Rotheram om å opprette og koordinere et musikkprogram for elevene. Resultatene er forbløffende.

Ti år senere er skolen rangert blant de øverste 10% av skolene i England for å forbedre barns prestasjoner i engelsk og matte. Og hemmeligheten bak denne utviklingen er ganske enkelt musikk.

Vi er veldig heldige denne lørdagen. Jimmy Rotheram kommer til å besøke Elefantteateret. Først vil han holde et foredrag - en presentasjon for alle som er interessert i resultatene, metoden, og ideene som ligger bak snuoperasjonen ved Feversham Primary School.

Dette vil bli fulgt av en praktisk workshop i to deler - hvordan kan man undervise i musikk i barnehage og skole?

11:00 - 12:00 Presentasjon: Jimmy Rotheram presenterer arbeid, metode og resultater ved Feversham Primary School

12:00 - 12:30 Rom for spørsmål/samtale

13:00 - 14:30 Workshop del 1

14:30 - 15:00 Pause

15:00 - 16:30 Workshop del 2

In 2010, Feversham Primary School, located in one of the poorest areas in the UK, was ranked as "failing" by the government. Academic results were at rock bottom. There were massive behavioral problems, and the children were disengaged. The school is in an area where 98% of the students speak English as a "second language."

The school got new leadership and decided to find an alternative way out of the crisis. They asked musician/teacher Jimmy Rotheram to establish and coordinate a music program for the students. The results are astounding.

Ten years later, the school is ranked among the top 10% of schools in England for improving children's performance in English and math. And the secret behind this development is quite simply music.

We are very fortunate this Saturday. Jimmy Rotheram will visit Elefantteateret. He will first give a talk—a presentation for anyone interested in the results, methods, and ideas behind the turnaround at Feversham Primary School.

This will be followed by a practical two-part workshop—how can we teach music in kindergarten and school?

11:00 - 12:00 Presentation: Jimmy Rotheram presents the work, methods, and results at Feversham Primary School

12:00 - 12:30 Time for questions/discussion

13:00 - 14:30 Workshop part 1

14:30 - 15:00 Break

15:00 - 16:30 Workshop part 2

About the Workshops

“Why wasn’t I taught music this way?”

This is one of my most frequently asked questions.

The workshops will look at how we bring children into musical experiences, and draw their own out, as well as adults working in education who may not perceive themselves as “musical”, building confidence at each step. We ease in with warm ups, movement and fun, until we are singing and moving together. We then begin to introduce musical concepts such as pulse, tempo, and pitch differentiation, though always through a playful prism. I will also cover how to assess and sequence inclusive learning. We will even look at how abstract concepts such notation can be taught through play-based learning.

The first workshop will cover 3-6 year olds, with the second workshop focusing on beginner musicians aged 7-11.

Jimmy Rotheram

Arrangementet er gjort mulig gjennom samarbeid med Kulturdirektoratet, Rogaland fylkeskommune og Stavanger kommune