The Complexity of Simplicity – a conversation about creating performances or creative experiences for the very young


Lørdag 27. november kl. 13:00 - 16:30

Since 2006, Starcatchers has produced over 40 productions and over 40 community engagement projects. Working with dozens of artists from across artforms we have explored different approaches to creating engaging experiences for babies, toddlers and young children and their parents and carers.

Om seminaret:

Velkommen til dette todelte seminaret med Rhona Matheson. Rhona leder Starcatchers, Scotland’s arts and Early Years organization. I denne todelte presentasjonen vil Rhona fortelle om Starcatchers arbeid og også om hvordan de arbeider med å utvikle scenekunst for de aller yngste.

Seminaret passer for utøvende og skapende kunstnere, kunstpedagoger og andre som er interessert i kunst i øyehøyde.


Kl. 13:00 - 14:30

What is Starcatchers? A session outlining the work of Starcatchers and the development of arts and creativity for babies and young children in Scotland.


Kl. 15:00 - 16:30

The Complexity of Simplicity – a conversation about creating performances or creative experiences for the very young

Since 2006, Starcatchers has produced over 40 productions and over 40 community engagement projects.  Working with dozens of artists from across artforms we have explored different approaches to creating engaging experiences for babies, toddlers and young children and their parents and carers. Sharing a range of examples from this repertoire of work will be a starting point for a discussion about how artists can develop their practice in this field and why this work is not always as simple as it appears.

About Rhona

Rhona Matheson is Chief Executive of Starcatchers, Scotland’s arts and Early Years organisation. She graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Scottish History and Theatre Studies in 1999. After working for a number of touring theatre companies in Scotland, including children’s theatre company Wee Stories, she was engaged to manage the pilot Starcatchers project in 2006. Since then she has overseen the development of Starcatchers from a small project to a national organisation with international reach. She is a member of the Children in Scotland Strategic Forum, the Co-Chair of the Federation of Scottish Theatre and a Board Member of SmallSize. She has recently started a MSc in Children’s Rights at Queen’s University, Belfast.


Arrangementet er gratis, men det må tas ut billett på forhånd.

Seminaret er støttet av Kulturrådet, Rogaland fylkeskommune, Stavanger kommune.

SeminarGasta DesignArkiv, 2021